Cosmetic Skin Institute

Cosmetic Skin Institute Monthly Blog | March 2013

March 21, 2013




What Causes Dry Skin?


As we grow older, our skin generally becomes more dry. This is in sharp contrast to our teenage years when most people experience excessive skin oil production, which normally causes acne. But at age 40, the production of sebum—which is an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands—drops.


Around age 60, oil production is at 5 percent, causing our skin to be very dry. If skin becomes too dry, then the outer layers become stiff and cracks develop. These cracks become fissures in the skin that become irritated, inflamed and itchy.


What Can Be Done to Combat Dry Skin?


Keeping your skin healthy is the number one way to combat dry skin. By using skincare products that will help rebuild your protective skin barrier, while reducing water loss through the epidermal layer of your skins.


Moisterizers such as Emu Oil S Lipid ReplenisherSqualaneRetinol in Squalane, andCELES Therapeutic Oil serve to replenish lipids. In time, this will lead your skin to produce it’s own water-holding proteins.


For more information or help with dry skin, schedule a consultation with our licensed Medical Aesthetician in Olney, MD, Gloria Perez or in Washington, DC, Susanne Siemonson.