Cosmetic Skin Institute

Can Skin That Is Red Ever Really Be Fixed?

IPL Washington DC

Redness in the skin, much like the itchiness that sometimes accompanies it, can be an irritating thing.

Perhaps it doesn’t quite match with your makeup to give you the blush that you want–especially, if, well, the redness is due to acne or sunburning.

Here’s the question of the day, though. Can we fix it?

The Opposition

A large crowd of experts say no. By virtue of what the “redness” typically is if people want to cure it.

It’s called rosacea, and, under the radar, it affects 14 million Americans. That’s about 1 in 20, for the record.

It’s an inflammatory skin condition, which means it has to do with your body’s immune response to… basically, everything. From allergens to spicy foods, it’s a systemic physiological response by your body.

There’s medication to treat it, but the medication controls it. Not eliminates it. And if you don’t keep up your treatment, it’s going to come back fast.

But maybe there’s hope?

On the other side, we have experts that say rosacea is just one condition against the whole gauntlet of things that make your face red. That’s acne, sunburning, eczema- all things you can eliminate.

Besides basic skin care, and specific “anti-redness” products, there’s the entire industry of skin rejuvenation to save the day. That means microdermabrasion and “precision damage” via lasers.

So the real answer here is to figure out exactly what’s making your skin red. That might be a harder thing to figure out than you think. How many things make the sky blue?

Which means, as always, you should consult a medical professional.

Whether that be an experienced nurse practitioner or a specialist such as a dermatologist, information is the key to winning any battle. If you want to know how to say goodbye redness, call the Cosmetic Skin Institute today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Treatment that help redness and Roscaea:

IPL Photofacial in Washington DC and Olney